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NASBE Events

The NASBE Executive Board sponsors events for members that annually include the following:

  • Rap Sessions:  three in-person sessions in conjunction with ACTE, MBAResearch Conclave, and NBEA supplement virtual sessions
  • Business Meetings:  at least two business meetings are held for membership to actively participate in the prosperity of our organization
  • Socials:  frequently held in conjunction with the in-person Rap Sessions
  • Sponsored Activities:  we appreciate our sponsors and partners to support these special activities that promote collaboration

Upcoming Events

    • October 12, 2024
    • 9:00 AM - 10:45 AM (EDT)
    • Columbus, Ohio

    RAP Session Sponsored By MBA Research and Curriculum Center

    Please RSVP as a NASBE member to this event posting so we know if you will be attending Conclave.  We look forward to having our NASBE members attend.  All Conclave registered attendees are welcome to attend this event so please feel welcome to note any guests who will be attending with you. 

    Topics and Agenda - Coming Soon!  Date and time are tentative and may be subject to change based on facility and sponsorship commitments. 

    This is an in-person event only held at the MBAResearch annual Conclave Conference. 

    Note:  Conclave conference registration is required to attend.  Visit for registration details.  Registration before August 31, 2024, includes a free ticket to The Celebration! 

    • November 21, 2024
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Virtual Meeting

    Virtual NASBE business Meeting

    1. Call to Order
    2. Recognition of Attendees (Members, Honorary Members and Guests)
    3. Roll Call
    4. Approval of 2023-24 Business Meeting Minutes
    5. Guest and Honorary Member Greetings
      • FBLA Update – Randy Fiser (Interim)
      • MBA Research Update – Holly Atha
      • DECA Update  Frank Peterson
      • NBEA Update  Joe McClary
      • BPA Update  Stephen Mitchell
      • ACTE Update – Sean Crevier

    6. Officer Reports

    • Past President
    • President
    • President Elect
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Parliamentarian

    7New Business

    • Recognition of Appointed Executive Committee Members

    8. Unfinished Business

    • Vice President Candidates 

    9. Adjournment

    Members must register prior at least one day prior to the event to receive the meeting link.  Members may register guests to attend at no cost.  Note:  only current members may vote on official business at this meeting.

    Guests who desire to become a member may register online at:

    • December 05, 2024
    • 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
    • San Antonio

    Interested in being our RAP Session sponsor?  Contact Lisa Oakes, NASBE President-Elect, for additional information. 

    Please RSVP as a NASBE member to this event posting so we know if you will be attending this session.  We look forward to having our NASBE members attend.  NASBE members may register additional guests to attend.  

    Topics and Agenda - Coming Soon!  Date and time are tentative and may be subject to change based on facility and sponsorship commitments. 

    This is an in-person event only held at the ACTE annual CareerTEch Vision event. 

    Note:  Career TechVision registration may be required to attend.  Visit for registration details.  Get registered today as early bird registration rates are available until July 31 and advanced rates are available until October 13.  


    • February 28, 2025
    • 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM
    • Zoom Virtual Meeting

    Virtual NASBE business Meeting

    1. Call to Order
    2. Recognition of Attendees (Members, Honorary Members and Guests)
    3. Roll Call
    4. Approval of November 21, 2024 Business Meeting Minutes
    5. Guest and Honorary Member Greetings
      • FBLA Update – Randy Fiser (Interim)
      • MBA Research Update – Holly Atha
      • DECA Update  Frank Peterson
      • NBEA Update  Joe McClary
      • BPA Update  Stephen Mitchell
      • ACTE Update – Sean Crevier

    6. Officer Reports

    • Past President
    • President
    • President-Elect
    • Vice President
    • Secretary
    • Treasurer
    • Parliamentarian

    7New Business

    The Nominating Committee (two immediate past presidents, the ACTE/BE Division nominating committee representative, and one member‐at‐large appointed by the president) will present a slate of executive committee candidates for a membership vote.  

    Bylaw updates may also be presented at this time for membership consideration.  

    8. Unfinished Business

    9. Adjournment

    Members must register prior at least one day prior to the event to receive the meeting link.  Members may register guests to attend at no cost.  Note:  only current members may vote on official business at this meeting.

    Guests who desire to become a member may register online at:

March 27, 2024 NBEA Hybrid Conference 2024 NASBE Rap Session
January 26, 2024 January 26, 2024 Virtual NASBE RAP Session (Members Only)
November 30, 2023 NASBE Member Social (Arizona Coyotes Hockey Game) at ACTE CareerTech Vision
November 30, 2023 NASBE RAP Session at ACTE CareerTech Vision
October 14, 2023 NASBE RAP Session at Conclave: Business Trends in the Workforce and NASBE Special Session
September 21, 2023 NASBE Executive Board Meeting (virtual)
April 04, 2023 NASBE RAP Session, Business Meeting, and Executive Committee Meeting
February 22, 2023 NASBE Business Meeting (virtual)
January 25, 2023 Virtual NASBE RAP Session (Topic - Industry Certifications)
December 01, 2022 NASBE RAP Session and Social at ACTE CareerTech Vision
June 22, 2022 NASBE Executive Committee Meeting
May 25, 2022 NASBE RAP session (virtual)
April 12, 2022 NASBE RAP Session Virtual
February 23, 2022 NASBE Business Meeting
February 02, 2022 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
January 05, 2022 NASBE Executive Committee Meeting
November 30, 2021 (copy) NASBE RAP Session (ACTE)
November 30, 2021 NASBE RAP Session (ACTE)
August 04, 2021 NASBE Rap Session at Conclave
June 23, 2021 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
May 26, 2021 NASBE Online Rap Session
March 30, 2021 (Meeting Link Included) NASBE Rap Session Online in Collaboration with the NBEA Annual Convention
March 30, 2021 Business Administration Education Alliance Meeting (Tentative Date)
March 29, 2021 National Business Education Administration (NBEA)
March 24, 2021 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
February 24, 2021 NASBE Online Member Business Meeting
February 03, 2021 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
January 20, 2021 NASBE Online Rap Session
January 06, 2021 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
December 02, 2020 Business Administration Education Alliance Meeting (Tentative Date)
December 01, 2020 NASBE Rap Session @ ACTE CareerTech Vision
November 30, 2020 ACTE CareerTech Vision
November 18, 2020 Business Administration Education Alliance Meeting (Rescheduled to November 18)
November 04, 2020 NASBE Online Member Business Meeting
October 16, 2020 NASBE Rap Session
October 16, 2020 MBAResearch Conclave
September 09, 2020 Business Administration Education Alliance Meeting
September 02, 2020 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
June 15, 2020 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
May 18, 2020 NASBE Rap Session
April 15, 2020 NASBE Rap Session & Business Meeting (Rescheduling to an Online Event)
February 24, 2020 NASBE Business Meeting
February 03, 2020 NASBE Executive Board Meeting
January 13, 2020 NASBE Rap Session
January 02, 2020 NASBE Executive Committee
December 06, 2019 Business/Marketing Collaboration Meeting
December 06, 2019 NASBE Rap Session at ACTE CareerTech Vision
November 04, 2019 NASBE Business Meeting
October 07, 2019 NASBE Working Breakfast & Rap Session at MBAResearch Conclave
September 09, 2019 NASBE Executive Committee Meeting Online
April 18, 2019 NASBE Social: Giordano’s (Sponsored by B.E. Publishing)
April 17, 2019 NASBE Board Meeting (Officers Only)
April 17, 2019 RAP SESSION

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