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Our Board

The executive committee is composed of the president, president‐elect, vice president, secretary, treasurer, immediate past president, newsletter editor, Webmaster, and chairmen of all committees. The parliamentarian shall serve as an ex-officio, nonvoting member of the executive committee, unless the parliamentarian is a member of the association.  

The executive committee manages the affairs of the association and supervises the activities of the officers of the association.  The executive committee shall work with the president‐elect to develop and implement an annual program of work which promotes the purposes of this association, assist with the planning of a budget, authorize the disbursement of funds to support the program of work, examine and audit the accounts and records of the treasurer, and handle other such matters as have been delineated in the bylaws and/or designated by the association members at a business meeting.

President's Message

Jessica DeVaal, NASBE President
July 1, 2024 -  June 30, 2025     

Welcome to the new membership year for the National Association of Supervisors of Business Education (NASBE)!

Your Executive Committee is excited to see all of you during our in-person and virtual events throughout the year!

Many memberships were renewed over the summer – but if you’re not sure if you did, please check your account profile at  That’s also a great place to send perspective members to join online if you have new supervisors in your state.

NASBE currently has openings on the Executive Committee – and we are looking for interested individuals to serve in these roles.

Our vacancies include the elected positions of Vice President (a 4-year commitment with terms as President-Elect, President, and Past President) and Secretary, and the appointed positions of Parliamentarian and Newsletter Editor.

We would like to have a slate of candidates to nominate and vote on at a Special Session meeting during Conclave in October.  At this time, I have one interested candidate – but would love to be able to fill all 4 spots!

If you’re interested – please let me know 

While you’re planning your year – here’s a few other dates to keep in mind!

If you have suggestions for RAP Session discussion or speaker topics – please let an Executive Committee member know. 

Looking forward to connecting with all of you this year!

2024-2025 NASBE Executive Committee

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Get connected to the National Association of Supervisors of Business Education!  

The new membership year begins on July 1! 


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